QQ Adventure - UFO 54-40, Volume 2

Previously, on UFO 54-40: We got abducted from a supersonic jet, and made friends with Pirate Captain Kim Lee! What aliens will we meet this time? Can we out smart the U-TY Masters again? How do we escape?


The Book

The Adventures

  • Starring Miss Ally as the Old Man

  • With Zach as A Small Bear

  • Featuring Raul as the Floating Meat Balls

  • And Tom as the Narrator

QQ Adventure - UFO 54-40, Volume 1

You're aboard a supersonic jet, high above the Atlantic. Suddenly a huge, gleaming white cylinder shoots out of the clouds. The next thing you know you are inside the galactic ship Rakma-captured by the all-powerful U-TY Masters! How do you escape?


The Book

The Adventurers

  • Starring Zach as the Nameless Protagonist
  • With Miss Ally as Pirate Captain Kim Lee
  • Featuring Raul as the U-TY Masters
  • And Tom as The Narrator

QQ Adventure - Space Vampire, Volume 2

Previously, on Space Vampire: We journeyed to Barnard's Star and were promptly killed. This time we take Raul's advice and actually try to capture the titular space vampire, in space; but as soon as we board his spacecraft, our captain tries to use us as bait! What should we do?


The Book

The Adventurers

  • Starring Ruly as Cadet Osprey
  • With Miss Ally as Doctor Vivaldi
  • Featuring Tom as The Cook
  • And Zach as The Narrator

QQ Adventure - Space Vampire, Volume 1

A blood-thirsty vampire from a distant planet has occupied a spaceship in the outer reaches of the solar system. As the Space Academy's top recruit, it's our job to capture the vampire before he reaches Earth, where the alien creature plans to feast on the planet's population. But as soon as we board his spacecraft, the vampire immediately corners us! What should we do?


The Book

The Adventurers

  • Starring Ruly as Cadet Osprey
  • With Miss Ally as The Space Vampire
  • Featuring Zach as The Director
  • And Tom as The Narrator